Note: If there isn't a time on our calendar which works for you, please feel free to make a suggestion, and we may be able to add it to our schedule.​​
Apologetics Seminars and Sparring-Sessions
​​The idea of these groups is to not only teaching men apologetics but also to train them in it.
We can improve our skills of argument much like we can train at sparring in martial arts: by striking-out out our mutual weaknesses, defending our positions and strengthening our ideas in the spirit of charity. Everyone who has ever sparred knows that it is not a time to defeat with malice, but to challenge and build one-another with mutual respect and patience.
All will be invited to raise topics and difficult questions they have encountered when defending their faith or even when considering their own doubts. Then, one may be asked to take up an attacking position, whilst the other is asked to defend it. Can you defend your belief in the Christian God? Can you defend it against a Muslim? Against a Buddhist? Against an Atheist? Can you defend His Church? What about His doctrines? Can you imagine the position of an atheist and from that position mount an attack? How would you respond if this attack were made upon you?
All questions, positions and more are explored in these sessions with the express purpose of helping you and the other men around you to strengthen their acuity of reason, skills of argumentation, and confidence of faith.
Follow the buttons below to join our next session.
If you experience problems making contact for any reason, or want to ask questions about our seminars, please contact me directly:
WhatsApp (+447542323133),
Telegram: @thetvc
If you would like to receive ONE-ON-ONE apologetics teaching, please click here
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